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Discover Hidden Health Insights with Iridology

Updated: Aug 15

Have you ever wondered if the patterns in your eyes could tell you something about your health? Learn how iridology can provide surprising insights.


In past studies, iridologists were tested to see if they could consistently diagnose diseases through iris examination. Naturally, they didn't pass because diagnosing diseases isn't what we do! Although iridology isn't scientifically recognized as a diagnostic tool, it serves effectively as a pre-clinical method and preventative health check. It provides valuable insights into areas where individuals might need to strengthen or support specific body systems, organs, or glands, encouraging timely medical consultation and potentially preventing serious health issues.

For instance, a weakness in the lung area might suggest a family pattern of sadness and grief, while a brown pigment in the heart zone could indicate a family history of cardiovascular disease. Similarly, real cases often show this link; for example, a client with a history of allergies and a low immune system might have many markings related to mucus accumulation and lymphatic congestion.

As Dr. Bruce Lipton, renowned biologist and author, said “No, you are not controlled by your genetics”. With these insights and this powerful tool, it's possible to change and transform our genes and health through the right foods, lifestyle, and appropriate holistic health practices.

What are iridology and schlerology?

The iridology examines the colored part of the eye, the iris by studying the color, fiber structure, pigmentation, and other markings on the iris which is divided in multiple zones that represent the different organs and parts of the body.  The schlerogoly focuses on the white part of the eye, the sclera. Similar to iridology, sclerologists analyze the different markings in the sclera to indicate areas of imbalance in the present moment. 

Your eyes, with their unique design and structure, serve as a more secure identifier than fingerprints. Beyond their role in vision, the eyes process light and connect to all body tissues, with the iris acting as a natural monitor that reflects distant parts of the body through nerve reflex reactions. Iridology maps these connections, dividing the iris into seven rings and 60 zones, each corresponding to specific organs. For instance, the heart is assessed in the left iris between the 2 and 3 o'clock positions, while the kidneys are located at 6 o’clock. Bernard Jensen, a prominent American chiropractor and nutritionist, refined and popularized iridology in the 20th century, developing a widely recognized chart that links areas of the iris to various bodily organs and systems. Over time, practitioners have adapted and refined these charts, contributing to the field of iridology.

Jensen Iridology Chart

The iris, with its intricate patterns and unique structure, is more than just a visual organ—it carries genetic markers that trace our heritage. Its complex design, distinct to each individual, serves not only as a reliable identifier but also as a window into the genetic traits and health predispositions passed down through generations.

Is the iris change through a detoxification program?

In my consultations, I often address questions about iris markings. Some are hereditary and remain unchanged over the years, while others accumulate and change slowly throughout life. Acquired markings may alter in size or color, but not rapidly. Therefore, I take iris photos every six months with consistent equipment to track changes.

The constitutional type, classified as blue, hazel, or brown, is defined within the first six months of life and remains unchanged. The fiber structure, determining health resilience, is genetic and stable. Pigmentation, indicating which organs need support, develops gradually due to genetics, nutrition, or trauma.

History of Iridology

Iridology has ancient roots, with early use by medical practitioners, but it wasn't until the 18th century that iridology texts were documented. Significant revival and research into the practice began in the early 19th century.

Early Beginnings:

  • Ancient Origins: The concept of observing the eyes for health insights can be traced back to ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine," mentioned using the eyes as a window to the body's health.

19th Century Developments:

  • Ignaz von Peczely (Hungary, 1826-1911): Often considered the father of modern iridology, Peczely is credited with creating the first iridology chart. His work began after he noticed a correlation between a leg injury to an owl and a mark in its iris, leading him to explore how trauma and illness might reflect in the iris.

  • Nils Liljequist (Sweden, 1851-1936): A contemporary of Peczely, Liljequist published "Quinine and Iodine Change the Color of the Iris," suggesting that toxins could alter the iris. His work further developed iridology by highlighting the impact of external substances on iris patterns.

20th Century Expansion:

  • Pastor Felke (Germany, 1856-1926): Promoted iridology throughout Europe, integrating it into his naturopathic practices. He was influential in establishing iridology as a diagnostic tool.

  • Rudolph Schnabel (Germany, 1882-1952): Authored "The Eye as a Mirror of Health" and discovered the Schnabel lacuna, advancing iridology's scientific basis.

  • Joseph Deck (Germany, 1914-1990): Founded a research institute in Germany, furthering iridology's development with a focus on systematic research.

  • Dr. Bernard Jensen (USA, 1908-2001): A pivotal figure in the popularization of iridology, Jensen developed the Jensen Iridology Chart, which became a standard reference. He also integrated iridology with holistic health practices and trained many practitioners worldwide.

Late 20th Century to Present:

  • Ellen Tart-Jensen: Continued the work of Bernard Jensen, refining and advancing iridology techniques and incorporating modern research into the practice.

  • Professionalization: The National Iridology Research Association, founded by Harri Wolfe and Bill Caradonna in the 1980s, set standards for iridology education and practice. It later became the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), promoting iridology worldwide.

Nowadays, some Russian doctors and health practitioners use iridology as part of their diagnostic and therapeutic practices. Iridology has gained a degree of popularity in various countries, including Russia, where it is often integrated into complementary and alternative medicine approaches. To explore research conducted by Russian doctors, click here.

The Importance of Iris Analysis

The iris analysis provides a comprehensive view of an individual's health.

Iridology can assess:

  • Constitutional strengths and weaknesses. Sickness will usually manifest in weak areas when the person is out of balance, stressed, highly acidic, or deficient in minerals or vitamins.

  • Patterns of personality. For example, irises with very tight fibers indicate an individual with a very strong constitution and a high achiever, however, the downside is that levels of stress may be too high and will tend to quick burnout. Knowing this will help the patient to cope with stress patterns better.

  • Inherited genetic traits from our lineage. Lacunae or openness fiber structure are genetic signs that will not change over time, and they can be located in a specific organ which will indicate support and care in the long term.

  • Levels of toxicity in the body like a tendency to form mucous in the system and produce sinuses, lung mucous, or other inflammation issues.

Iridology is a powerful assessment and a preventative tool with unique valuable information about your health, personality, predisposition, emotional traits, personal constitution, inherited strengths, and weaknesses.  It is also helpful for identifying possible causes of the complaints, but not specific symptoms.

Iridology Benefits & Common Findings

  • It provides the client with an understanding of nutritional, and lifestyle predispositions they need to balance their health.

  • It shows tendencies of the client’s body to acid imbalance, which is critical for our health, especially for inflammation-related diseases.

  • It reveals which areas of the client’s health and lifestyle need to be strengthened and which ones are weaknesses to work within the long term.

  • The approach of the consultation is holistic which means that the client is considered as a whole person with a greater importance in the mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • It reveals information about your personality and constitution type, which helps me to get deeper into the client’s patterns and create healthier and long-lasting habits.

  • Schlerology also offers information about your cardiovascular health in function the type and shape of vessels, and metabolism.

In summary, iridology is a powerful tool that educates and guides you on your path to wellness, empowering you to take responsibility and sovereignty over your body and health, leading to a more independent and balanced life.

What Iridology can not do?

As an assessment tool, it is not possible to diagnose conditions. Iridology reading will not be able to determine if there are bacterial infections, fungal infections, psoriasis, parasites, gallstones, kidney stones, pregnancy, length of life, cancer, or diabetes.

Detailed Iris Analysis

Iris analysis is a Non-invasive health check process involving the photography of both irises and in my practice, I also capture an image of the sclera. During the consultation, this assessment complements the intake form and physical examination, serving as a valuable tool for practitioners to gain a comprehensive understanding of a person's health status.

Here, it’s a brief example of what some markings can tell me about this anonymous person.

This left eye shows a Lymphatic constitution due to the presence of mostly blue fiber color in zones 6 and 7 of the iris, also known as humoral and ciliary zones. The fibers are very well-organized and moderately densely packed, indicative of a very strong inherited constitution. This is a Neurogenic sub-type and it is related to the nervous system and the impact has stress on the person. This person may have tendencies to migraines, spasmodic headaches, shingles, and adrenal fatigue.

The central part of the iris is called the nutritive zone where the digestive organs are located, and the orangish pigmentation corresponds to a central heterochromia. This marking is related to the efficiency of digestion, physical as well as emotional (Caradonna, 2016) and the color indicates the organ of impact, which is the pancreas, so the person may be prone to insulin resistance, lack of energy during the day, history of jaundice, poor digestion of fatty foods.

The yellow color is also known as the uric acid subtype with tendencies of high-acid tissue conditions like allergies, skin conditions, arthritis, or any kidney weaknesses.

Brown pigmentation (topolabile) is around the iris, this color is associated with the liver organ. Also, two relevant markings are located in the liver zone, an orangish pigment and an opening called lacunae highlighting the need for extra support of this area in the presence of additional symptoms. Those few brown pigments may be linked to MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene mutations, and I recommend checking for this.

The pupil has a flattening in the superior lateral area with possible tendencies to hearing difficulties or vertebras (C1-C5) issues.

This client sought relief from headaches, and sluggish digestion and wanted to transition from medication to herbal remedies.

My background and IIPA

Coming from a scientific background and having spent many years in research and academia, I initially approached iridology with skepticism. However, over the years, the results from my training and clients have truly amazed me. I trained for four years at the Irish School of Herbal Medicine, learning Constitutional Iridology, combined with herbal medicine based on Dr. John R. Christopher's clinical studies, a renowned 20th-century herbalist and naturopath. For instance, if an iris displays an atonic collarette (a weak, floppy area around the pupil), and the client has symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and a tendency towards diarrhea, I would formulate a blend of astringent herbs and demulcents to tone the bowels and nourish the tissues. My training included researching ten real cases with follow-up consultations, and hands-on clinical training where I conducted iridology assessments in front of clients.

After completing these studies, I pursued Level I and II IIPA certification, which involved a rigorous three-part exam process, including ten well-documented cases using a specific IIPA template and a comprehensive 300-question final exam. Maintaining this accreditation requires earning 20 CEUs in new iridology training every two years.

My tutor and mentor, Judith Cobb, taught me how to use Dynamic Iridology to correlate various iris markings, helping me understand a client’s health potential and symptoms for making more targeted and efficient wellness plans. Rooted in the principles of German or Constitutional Iridology, Dynamic Iridology recognizes the evolving nature of the practice. It emphasizes the importance of continually updating our understanding and integrating holistic health concepts as new information emerges.

The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) is a professional organization dedicated to the study and practice of iridology. It aims to maintain high standards in the field by offering certification, training, and continuing education for iridologists. The IIPA provides a structured certification process that includes rigorous exams and documentation requirements to ensure practitioners are well-qualified. The association also promotes the development of iridology as a respected and reliable modality within the broader field of complementary and alternative medicine.

I continue to study, research new findings, and upgrade my camera and iridology tools to provide the best advice and recommendations.

In sum, iridology research is continually evolving, integrating modern scientific methods with traditional practices. This dynamic field is expanding its understanding of how the iris reflects overall health, offering innovative diagnostic tools. For future generations of practitioners, iridology presents an exciting avenue for exploring holistic health approaches and enhancing personalized care through deeper insights into the body's interconnected systems.

If you’re interested in exploring how iridology can enhance your health, check out my packages and book an iridology consultation with me. I’d be delighted to assist you on your journey to better well-being with nutritional advice and herbal medicine.


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