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Iridology, an iris-type assessment tool

Your own eyes has a unique design and structure. A source of identification safer than the fingerprints. Iridology was used in antiquity by medicine doctors, but only from the 18th century, iridology texts are recorded. Later, in 19th century, an Hungarian physician called Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1911) started studying the connection between diseases and markings in the irises of patients. He observed that the pigmentation shown in the iris was clearing while the health of the patient improved. The iris showed the predisposition to disease and not the disease itself.

The iris is linked to every organ by the brain and nervous system. They are connected by the nerves fibers which receive the impulses from the optic nerve, optic thalami and spinal cord. In this way, we can observe in the iris that fibre structure react to body changes internally and externally. This means as emotions has an impact in our physical, it is also registered in the iris, and emotional trauma could be read in the iris.

Dr Bernard Jensen has researched and studied iridology in many patients gathering empirical data for 50 years. He developed in detail an iridology chart where parts of the body are located in the part of the iris, and it is the most accurate map available up to now.

Iridology is the study of the color, fibre structure, pigmentation and other markings on the iris which is divided in multiple zones that represent the different organs and parts of the body. This is a powerful assessment and a preventative tool with a unique valuable information about your health, personality, predisposition, emotional traits, personal constitution, inherited strength and weakness. It is also helpful for identifying possible causes of the complaints, but not specific symptoms. In the last few years, I observed that the tissue can change by time before symptoms appear and the pigmentation can clear as the the health improves.

The iridology shows many different health qualities of the client, but what it’s very relevant is the genetic inheritances and potential health markings. This is what it makes possible to design a preventative health care plan tailored for you.

Iridology can assess:

– Constitutional strengths and weaknesses. Sickness will usually manifest in the weak areas when the person is out of balanced, stressed, highly acidic or deficient in minerals or vitamins.

– Patters of personality. For example, irises with very tight fibres indicates an individual with a very strong constitution and a highly achiever, however the down side is that levels of stress maybe too high and will tend to quick burnout. Knowing this will help the patient to cope with stress patterns better.

– Inherited genetic traits from our linage. Lacunae or openness fibre structure are genetic signs that will not change by time, and it can be located in a specific organ which will indicate support and care in long term.

  • Levels of toxicity in the body like a tendency to form mucous in the system and produce sinuses, lung mucous, or other inflammation issues.

What Iridology can not do?

As an assessment tool, it is not possible to diagnose conditions. Iridology reading will not be able to determine if there is bacterial infections, fungal infections, psoriasis, parasites, gallstones, kidney stones, pregnancy, length of life, cancer or diabetes.


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